In my grandparents day, the word “organic” didn’t exist in their vocabulary. They had there own garden where they grew most of the fruits and vegetables that they included in their diet. They kept a few chickens to provide them with eggs and all the garden waste went on grandpa’s compost heap to rot down and be dug back into the soil. Everything grown was organic, nutrition supplements had never been heard of and the air was a lot cleaner then too, except in the industrial cities, or during the winter months when coal fires kept the homes warm.The world has changed a lot since then. Because of technology and increases in world populations, farming practices changed as well and new methods were employed to increase crop yields. Chemical fertilizers were spread on fields instead of manure, pest control chemicals were introduced and over the years the new ways of farming began to reveal their flaws.The food doesn’t taste as good as it once did, and even though today’s apple looks pretty on the outside, it lacks a lot of the nutrients and minerals that keep us healthy. This is true of most of the foods produced today, although there is a growing move to return to “organic” farming practices.You might ask your grandparents if they ever took nutrition supplements! I bet they didn’t because they didn’t need to. Their food was complete in itself, and the nutrition supplements world wasn’t yet born. Sadly, those days have long gone. Now you have to seek out “organic” food if you want the most nutrition at your dining table, and pay substantially more for it.So what does all this mean to you? It means that the food that you buy today, lacks the nutrition that the same food once had and in order to make good the deficiency, certain nutrition supplements are required. You could buy everything from an organic food store, but then your food bill could easily double or even triple. Check out your local supermarket to compare prices and you’ll see what I mean.How do you know if your lacking any minerals and vitamins? That’s a good question that’s not always solved by a quick visit to the doctor. Most GP’s have only a rudimentary understanding of nutrition because it encompasses a small part of their medical training. A Naturopath has probably delved into the subject in more detail and is probably better qualified to make a diagnosis. This is not something that the layperson is able to judge for themselves although most of us do, popping down a cocktail of nutrition supplements because we feel we might be short on something. It’s not dangerous, after all you don’t need a prescription,Unless your getting a regular balanced diet of organic foods, nutrition supplements are going to make up for the deficiencies. If you have the advantage of knowing what these deficiencies are, through professional testing, then you can make qualified choices of which nutrition supplements to take, otherwise your best route is to select a balanced chelated multi vitamin supplement. Balanced and chelated because most nutrients work together to provide better absorption and utilization in the body. If you follow the “I’ll give it a shot” school of medicine, you’re probably wasting your money.We’ve seen how the nutrition supplements industry was born from changes in farming practices. Food quality, from a nutritional perspective has decreased, hence the need to add nutrition supplements to our diet.
The Divine Lifestyle – Building and Sustaining a Powerful Anointing
The divine lifestyle is the expression of God’s incomprehensible love toward all mankind, whether friend or enemy. Those who practice the divine lifestyle live and move in the presence and power of God. They forgive daily. Therefore, they operate with the consciousness of God and stay beyond the reach of the dark kingdom of the world.The practice of the divine lifestyle not only transforms the lives of the believer but it also transforms the lives of all those within circle of their influence. The force of God’s kingdom within the believer empowers her to perform many miraculous works, such as inspire joy and everlasting hope in others, redeem the times from evil, heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. Such are the activities of those who live the divine lifestyle.The Apostle Paul of the New Testament displayed the divine lifestyle on a scale that is seldom heard of or seen today. He healed people with all kinds of diseases and deformities of body and mind. The very force of his shadow displayed an anointing so powerful that it healed others as he walked among them. The Apostle Peter as well as Apostle John expressed this sacred lifestyle as well. The Apostle Peter walked on water and exhibited faith for a massive catch of fish. The Apostle John was so anointed in the divine lifestyle that he was taken to heaven and given revelation pertaining to the future of mankind.Most of all, those who practice the divine lifestyle will live in an unimaginable peace and joy. Nothing can shake or move their nature to constant worry and fear. Since they trust in the presence and power of God’s anointing, their inner nature is immune and secure from the pain and distress of despair, anguish and abandonment of friends and family. The anointing within them guards against the negative emotional dominance and guidance of the world. The peace of God allows them to walk by faith, not by what they hear, see and feel.Living the divine lifestyle requires building and sustaining a powerful anointing which includes constant prayer, meditation and fasting. The believer must be always aware of her divine identity and believe all things are possible. She must grow increasingly in love and forgiveness, with the awareness that mankind has been flawed unwillingly. She must understand that hatred and strife is not with neighbors but with unseen entities of the kingdom of darkness, whose mission is against love, unity and strength.Prayer, meditation and fasting must be done at least two times a day, preferably morning and night. No other morning routine sets the stage for a peaceful and prosperous day than an effective prayer and meditation session, no matter how small. The peace resulting from such routine reflects the quality of peace we receive from the people and events who affect our lives throughout the day. Our activities go smooth. Challenges become opportunities for growth. And at night, when we end the day with prayer, our sleep is filled with peace and our minds are at rest. We sleep securely.Understanding our true identity as a new creation makes us immune to the distresses and despairs of this present life. Because our true nature is not merely human, the natural forces of the daily grind cannot overthrow our peace and joy. The new creature possesses a different set of emotions and mental attributes than mankind. The nature of the new creature is the nature of God or divinity enthroned in the heart of the believer. However, the believer must believe that he is indeed this new creature. Faith is the prerequisite for internalizing the belief in your consciousness.Love and forgiveness must be performed with joy and peace. As a believer anointed with God-consciousness, we must delight in love and forgiveness. Those who practice the divine life style forgive even before they are offended. They must walk diligently in the grace of the Christ within them. Christ represents the love and forgiveness of all mankind. Believers who genuinely practice the divine lifestyle understands that love and forgiveness is the overriding duty and responsibility of those who have receive the kingdom of heaven within their hearts.The constant awareness of this divine knowledge and activities discussed above is the supreme lifeline of those who display the divine lifestyle. Although such individual may exist in the kingdom of darkness-the world system of beliefs and practices-he is no longer part of this kingdom. Instead his very nature is transformed into a dimension that is far beyond the comprehension of man’s natural reasoning. The supernatural essence of this divine dimension includes a powerful, unyielding anointing, an unquenchable thirst for righteousness and a love of God and man.
Importance of Trade Finance & Structured Trade Finance for Importers and Exporters of Commodities?
Trade finance is the method importers and exporters of commodities and goods use to finance their business. Basically, trade finance has been in existence for many thousands of years – and one can trace the roots of trade finance and structured trade finance right back to the early days of China and the silk route, Mesopotamia and Europe. Trade Finance was around long before Europeans settled in America and long before the world’s stock markets were born!Today, trade finance is a massive, multi-billion dollar business. As the world trades more and more goods and commodities are bought and sold, so more and more banks and financiers are needed to lend money to finance the purchase and sale of these goods and commodities – right across the global supply chain.How is trade finance and structured trade finance useful?Take an example: imagine you are a trader in cocoa beans in Cote d’Ivoire, buying beans locally and selling them to foreign buyers. To make your purchases, you will need to have money to buy the cocoa up-country in Africa, prior to their export. Where will you find money to make these purchases? And supposing you are the international buyer; the shipper, purchasing from cocoa traders all over West Africa – how will you finance your transactions, which at any one time may exceed your cash reserves? What might be supported by your bank who, if they are traditional lenders, will only lend against your balance sheet?This is where trade finance and structured trade finance is useful – your business can grow and develop if you use the services of a specialist trade finance department who will structure trade finance structures can be tailored to your needs, using the collateral of the goods you are trading, rather than your own balance sheet or other assets.What is the basis of trade finance and structured trade finance?Goods and commodities have an underlying value of their own. For example, if cocoa beans are worth many hundreds or even thousands of dollars per tonne, then once a big pile of beans is accumulated in one place; in a warehouse or on a ship, it is worth a lot of money. A bank may lend money against the total value of the beans, minus some amount to take account of price and other risks
It is the same for every commodity or trade good which is resalable. A bank will make a loan as long as the collateral “adds up” and as long as the bank is comfortable with the way the deal is structured between both the buyer and the seller. Of key importance is that if something goes wrong the bank is able to take possession of the commodities or goods and sell them to realise monies to repay any loan amounts outstanding.Basically, when we talk of structured trade finance we are talking of deals whereby complex arrangements are put in place to ensure a bank can take possession and sell the underlying capital used for the loan; in this example, the goods and commodities themselves.Is trade finance complicated?No. It is a simple business although the structures used in trade finance in more complex deals require a lot of work for all of the parties involved. This is why the total loan amount of a structured trade finance loans must be high enough to warrant the involvement of highly-paid bankers, lawyers and other advisers.Where can I find out more about trade finance and structured trade finance?Day Robinson Group has offices in London and New Delhi and is one of the world’s foremost providers of training in the trade finance sector. For more information, you can visit our site at: http:/// or you can contact the author of this article, Dan Day-Robinson at Day Robinson International in the UK ([email protected]).
Photography Course – Study in International Institutes
These days the need for photographers and digital photography has been increasing. There are many institutes which are providing different photography courses and digital photography courses for international students. With the growing need of educational institutes, countries like Australia, New Zealand are attracted to international students. These institutes provide different courses and accommodation facilities for students. The quality of institutes can be determined by the qualified staff and the courses they are offering. For joining the international colleges and studies you can apply online from the websites. The digital photography course is getting very famous, many of the institutes providing online free registration to international students. The use of latest new technology to teach the students digital photography and the use latest equipment by these institutes are major attraction. The use of computer technology can customize and enhance the results of the images. Photography is an exciting industry that is why it is getting famous worldwide and many colleges and universities offering different photography courses. The digital age of photography has established a need for new institutes which offer quality photography course to international students. For learning the photographic skills you do not need to have expensive cameras, most standard SLR cameras are good enough for this purpose.While studying abroad in accredited universities and colleges which offer photography course is a good way to explore new opportunities in the field of photography. The exposure of traveling to different attractive areas and taking photographs of natural environment makes this career more exciting. The famous Australian desert is very attractive to photographers, the natural scenery and different species are best for enhancing there photographic skills. These institutes offer accredited courses for photography which enhance your skills and teach how to become professional in the field of photography. The photography course is the attractive field for many of the people, with more and more learning opportunities. The qualified and professional teaching staff at these institutes offer all the knowledge required to learn the photography and photo imaging course. Many students from all over the world prefer to study in Australia for affordable and quality education, and the complete professional environment. Students from all over the world prefer Australian education over other countries. There are hundreds and probably more than hundred photography courses are available online, but the professional university education in Australia is preferred by many students and photographer which have keen interest in photography. These institutes also allow you to submit your photographs and images to professional teachers for review.Most of the professional institutes have the highly qualified teachers which will provide you constructive criticism of your work. The fee for joining the photography course with accommodation is nominal in the Australian institutes. The classrooms are well equipped with latest technology and computers. Before joining the courses, you need to read all the requirements and rules by the institutes.